I can hardly remember a time when I didn’t bake, but there it is: #23 Bake a cake, followed by #24 Take a cooking class. Not only did I take cooking classes, I became a guest chef booker for a cooking school and this year, I taught my first class!
We’ve come a long way, baby…..
Scanning The List, wedged between #42 Start a blog and #44 Travel abroad is #43 Attend the Worlds of Flavor Conference. This one definitely falls under the category “Do I dare?” Picture three decadent days in Napa Valley, surrounded by 900 of the world’s culinary luminaries. It’s a proverbial Who’s Who feast, open to the trade only.
In a crazy twist of fate…I scored a pass to this year’s conference! The theme is World Street Food and World Comfort Food. With a speaker's list that includes Rick Bayless, John T. Edge, Andrea Nguyen, Norman Van Aken, Paula Wolfert, and Naomi Duguid....I’m positively giddy!
Curious about what we'll be covering at the Worlds of Flavor Conference? Read on....

Presenter Bios
Thursday, November 12
4:00 PM Registration
4:45 PM Welcome and Introduction
Ventura Foods Center for Menu Research & Development
Speakers: Mark Erickson, Charles Henning, Greg Drescher
Introduction of Lead Sponsors
Region of Apulia; Foods from Spain/Wines from Spain; Greek Mediterranean Gastronomy, Wonderful Olive Oil; Sodexo; United Soybean Board
5:05 PM General Session I
World Street Food, World Comfort Food: What We Want to Eat Now
Moderator/Presenter: Rick Bayless
Presenters: Roberto Santibañez, Bobby Chinn, Roy Choi
5:45 PM General Session II
Singapore’s Hawker Food: Into the Night, With Chopsticks!
Introduction: Andrea Nguyen
Moderator/Presenter: K.F. Seetoh
Presenters: Zulkifli Bin Packeer Bawa, Mohan Ismail
6:15 PM General Session III
Slow Flavors of the Mediterranean: Of Pasta Kitchens, Claypots, and Live Fire
Introduction: Ruth Reichl
Moderator: Paul Bartolotta
The Bakers of Apulia: Fresh Scents from the Wood-fired Ovens of Altamura
A live video feed from the outdoor bread oven to do a quick check-in with our bakers Vincenzo D’Ambrosio and Mark Furstenberg
Kitchens of Apulia: Southern Italy’s Grandmothers as Inspiration
Presenters: Domenico Maggi, Sabina Ficco, Luzian Palmieri
Deep, Melting Flavors of Turkey
Video Feed from the Outdoor Live Fire Kitchen
Presenters: Anissa Helou, Musa Dagdeviren, Necdet Kaygin, Burak Epir
Spice Routes of North Africa: By Way of Marrakech, San Francisco, and the
Island of Djerba
Presenters: Mourad Lahlou, Haouari Abderrazak, Paula Wolfert
7:00 PM Tasting and Dinner
World Marketplace
Historic Barrel Room
A festive walk-around event featuring wines and guest chefs preparing world street foods and comfort foods, with a chance to meet our conference faculty—chefs, authors, and other experts—as well as our Worlds of Flavor sponsors.
Sponsored by Region of Apulia; Foods from Spain/Wines from Spain; Greek Mediterranean Gastronomy, Wonderful Olive Oil; Sodexo; United Soybean Board
Guest Chef and Presenter Book Signings
8:30 PM Program Concludes for the Evening
Friday, November 13
7:45 AM A Light Napa Valley Breakfast
Ventura Foods Center for Menu Research & Development
8:30 AM General Session IV
Peru and Brazil: Translating Flavors, From the Streets and Markets to Restaurants
Moderators: Jessica Harris, Maricel Presilla
Presenters: Edinho “Edson” Engel, Ana Celia Batista Santos, Jorge Luis “Coque” Ossio, Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, Marilu Madueño
9:20 AM General Session V
Regional Mexico: Antojitos, From Tortas and Tacos to Tamales
Moderator: Rick Bayless
Presenters: Roberto Santibañez, Beatriz Ramírez Woolrich, Jorge Alvarez, Richard Sandoval
10:00 AM Coffee and Conversation Break
Sponsored by Unilever Foodsolutions
10:30 AM General Session VI
What’s Next in Spain: Fast, Slow, and Casual Flavors
Introduction: Jim Poris
Moderator: Gerry Dawes
Presenters: Paco Roncero, Albert Asin, Daniel Olivella, Seamus Mullen
With a live video feed from our outdoor live fire kitchen previewing lunch with Mai Pham and Suvir Saran
11:20 AM General Session VII
Tasting Greece: Of Hand Held Pitas, Savory Braises, and the World of Meze
Moderators: Aglaia Kremezi, Diane Kochilas
Presenters: Christoforos Peskias, Jim Botsacos
NOON Lunch
Flavors of Spice Routes: Street Foods, Comfort Foods from Turkey to India and Southeast Asia
Herb Terrace and First Floor
Guest Chefs and Experts from Australia, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam
Sponsored by McCormick for Chefs
1:30 PM General Session VIII
Made in America I: From Roadside and Curbside Eats to Vernacular Flavors
Ventura Foods Center for Menu Research & Development
Introduction: Jonathan Gold
Moderator/Presenter: John T. Edge
Presenters: Donald Link, Charles Phan
2:30 PM Coffee and Conversation Break
Sponsored by Bunge Oils
2:45 PM Concurrent Activities
Various campus locations
2:45 PM Seminar Series
(2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Also see Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series starting at 2:45 PM.
Seminar I A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Ecolab Theater
The Vietnamese and Mexican Kitchens: Strategies for Slow, Craveable Flavors
Presenters: Mai Pham, Roberto Santibañez
Sponsored by National Peanut Board
Seminar II A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Ventura Foods Center for Menu R & D
Mexican Street Food and American Restaurants: Ready for Prime Time!
Moderator/Presenter: Iliana de la Vega
Presenters: Jorge Alvarez, Rick Bayless, Beatriz Ramírez Woolrich
Seminar III A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
DeBaun Theater
World Pasta Kitchen: Global Comfort Food
Moderator/Presenter: Aaron McCargo, Jr.
Presenters: Ida Shen, Bruno Wehren
Sponsored by Barilla America
Seminar IV A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Williams Center for Flavor Discovery
The Spanish Kitchen, 2010: Casual Menus—and Compelling Flavor Dynamics— from Madrid to New York
Moderator: Gerry Dawes
Presenters: Paco Roncero, Seamus Mullen
Sponsored by Foods from Spain
Seminar V A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Viking Range Corporation Tasting Theater (first floor)
The Great Tapas Wines of Spain and Inspired Flavors That Pair with Them
Session Leader: Doug Frost
Guest Chef/Discussant: Daniel Olivella
Sponsored by Wines from Spain
Seminar VI A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Napa Valley Vintners Association Tasting Theater (second floor)
A Peruvian Flavor Immersion: Tasting the Best of Lima and Cusco
Session Leader: Arturo Rubio
Panelists: Jorge Luis “Coque” Ossio, Pedro Miguel Schiaffino,
Marilu Madueño
2:45 PM Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series
(2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Third Floor Teaching Kitchen, Outdoor Live Fire Kitchens
Kitchen Workshop #1 A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Seafood, Pasta, and Tagines: Flavors from Southern Italy and North Africa
Moderator/Presenter: Paul Bartolotta
Presenters: Haouari Abderrazak, Paula Wolfert
Kitchen Workshop #2 A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Hot Kitchen
World Comfort Food: Seasonal Strategies for Farm-to-Table Cooking
Workshop Leaders: Matthew Weingarten, Charles Phan
Sponsored by Sodexo
Kitchen Workshop #3 A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Of Brazilian Kitchens and African Traditions: Casual Flavors for American Menus
Workshop Leader: Jessica Harris
Presenters: Ana Celia Batista Santos, Edinho “Edson” Engel
Kitchen Workshop #4 A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Cold Kitchen
Japanese Street Food, Comfort Food: Savoring the Art and Craft
Workshop Leader: Hiroko Shimbo
Presenters: Masaharu Morimoto, Scott Whitman
Kitchen Workshop #5 A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Cold Kitchen
Korean Tacos and Other Savories to “Tweet” About from an LA Food Truck
Workshop Leader: Roy Choi
Kitchen Workshop #6 A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Outdoor Live Fire Kitchen (front of Greystone)
Malaysia and Indonesia: Big Flavors for Live Fires
Workshop Leader/Presenter: Robert Danhi
Presenters: Alexander Ong, William Wongso
Sponsored by California Raisin Marketing Board
Kitchen Workshop #7 A (2:45 PM—3:45 PM)
Outdoor Live Fire Kitchen (back of Greystone)
World Live Fire: Street Food and Small Plates from Thailand to Greece and Turkey
Moderator: Joyce Goldstein
Presenters: Musa Dagdeviren, Aglaia Kremezi, Chai Siriyarn
3:45 PM Break
4:15 PM Concurrent Activities
Various campus locations
4:15 PM Seminar Series
(4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Also see Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series starting at 4:15 PM.
Seminar I B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Ecolab Theater
Apulia: Flavor Discovery and Comfort Food at the Heart of Southern Italy
Introduction: Mark Furstenberg
Moderator/Presenter: Domenico Maggi
Presenters: Antonio De Rosa, Riccardo Olanda , Vincenzo D'Ambrosio
Sponsored by Region of Apulia
Seminar II B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Ventura Foods Center for Menu R & D
Multi-Cultural Flavor Strategies for Contemporary American Menus
Moderator/Presenter: Norman Van Aken
Presenters: Jorge Luis “Coque” Ossio, Edinho “Edson” Engel
Sponsored by United Soybean Board
Seminar III B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
DeBaun Theater
Remarkable Flavors: Fast, Casual Mexican and the Wines of Rioja
Moderator/Presenter: Adrian Murcia
Presenter: Rick Bayless
Sponsored by Vibrant Rioja
Seminar IV B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Williams Center for Flavor Discovery
Hot, Sweet, Sour, Salty: Balancing Flavor in the South Asian Kitchen
Presenters: Alexander Ong, Neela Paniz
Sponsored by California Raisin Marketing Board
Seminar V B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Viking Range Corporation Tasting Theater (first floor)
Of Asian Spice Routes & Street Food: Discovering a World of Flavor
Introduction: Kevan Vetter
Session Leader: Christine Manfield
Guest Chefs/Discussants: Naomi Duguid, Burak Epir
Sponsored by McCormick for Chefs
Seminar VI B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Napa Valley Vintners Association Tasting Theater (second floor)
Catalonia: Great Wines with Small Bites to Match
Session Leaders: Karen MacNeil, Jesús Bernad
Guest Chef/Discussant: Albert Asin
Sponsored by Catalonia, the Gateway to the Mediterranean by Prodeca
4:15 PM Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series
(4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Third Floor Teaching Kitchen, Outdoor Live Fire Kitchens
Kitchen Workshop #1 B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Peru: Cross Currents of Flavors from Spain to Asia
Workshop Leader: Pedro Miguel Schiaffino
Kitchen Workshop #2 B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Feasts of Singapore: Of Screaming Hot Woks and the Scent of the Tropics
Workshop Leader: K.F. Seetoh
Presenters: Zulkifli Bin Packeer Bawa, Andi Ng
Kitchen Workshop #3 B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Turkey: Regional Flavors, Casual Concepts and the Kitchens of Istanbul
Moderator: Anissa Helou
Presenters: Musa Dagdeviren, Necdet Kaygin
Kitchen Workshop #4 B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Cold Kitchen
Thai Sweets: Dessert Strategies from Bangkok, Chiang Mai and San Francisco
Moderator/Presenter: Emily Luchetti
Presenters: Chai Siriyarn, Kannika Siriyarn, Kobkaew Najpinij, Niphatchanok “Ning” Najpinij
Kitchen Workshop #5 B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Cold Kitchen
World Chickpea, Lentil, and Spices Smackdown: Irresistible Flavors from India to North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean
Moderator/Presenter: Joyce Goldstein
Presenters: Suvir Saran, Haouari Abderrrazak, Paula Wolfert, Stephania Cambanis
Kitchen Workshop #6 B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Outdoor Live Fire Kitchen (front of Greystone)
Street Food, Comfort Food, and the Pig: From Vietnam to Cuba and New Orleans
Moderator: Jim Poris
Presenters: Bobby Chinn, Maricel Presilla, Donald Link
Kitchen Workshop #7 B (4:15 PM—5:15 PM)
Outdoor Live Fire Kitchen (back of Greystone)
From a Greek Village Kitchen: Live Fires and Ancient Flavors
Moderator: Diane Kochilas
Presenters: Christoforos Peskias, Jim Botsacos
Sponsored by Greek Mediterranean Gastronomy, Wonderful Olive Oil
5:15 PM Break
5:30 PM General Session IX
World Flavors and Value Strategies: The American Food Revolution Rolls On Ventura Foods Center for Menu Research & Development
Presenter: Dr. Tim Ryan
5:45 PM General Session X
Vietnam and Japan: Big Bites on the Run, From Street Corners to Train Stations
Moderator/Presenter: Mai Pham
Presenters: Ngoc Tinh, Bobby Chinn, Masaharu Morimoto, Hiroko Shimbo
6:40 PM General Session XI
Indonesia and India: Of Street Snacks, Sambals, and Savory Curries
Moderator: K.F. Seetoh
Moderator/Presenter: Suvir Saran
Presenters: William Wongso, Hemant Mathur, Neela Paniz
7:30 PM Tasting and Dinner
World Marketplace
Historic Barrel Room
A memorable immersion into the sights, smells, sounds, and flavors of more than a dozen food cultures around the world, featuring guest chefs, colorful market stalls, music and dance performances, comparative tastings, book signings, and more.
Guest Chef and Presenter Book Signings
9:30 PM Program Concludes for the Evening
Saturday, November 14
8:00 AM A Light Napa Valley Breakfast
Ventura Foods Center for Menu Research & Development
8:45 AM Concurrent Activities
Various campus locations
8:45 AM Seminar Series
(8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Also see Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series starting at 8:45 AM.
Seminar I (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Ecolab Theater
Spanish Casual, from Traditional to Modern: Tapas, Bocadillos, Cocas, and More
Moderator/Presenter: Gerry Dawes
Presenters: Paco Roncero, Seamus Mullen, Albert Asin
Sponsored by Foods from Spain
Seminar II (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Ventura Foods Center for Menu R & D
East Asian Street Food: Fueling Concepts for American Menus
Moderator/Presenter: Andrew Hunter
Presenter: Roy Choi
Sponsored by Kikkoman Sales USA
Seminar III (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
DeBaun Theater
World Comfort Food: Seasonal Strategies for Farm-to-Table Cooking
Moderator: Jim Poris
Presenters: Neela Paniz, Matthew Weingarten
Sponsored by Sodexo
Seminar IV (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Williams Center for Flavor Discovery
Mediterranean Fresh: An Odyssey of Flavor Dynamics and Small Dishes
Moderator/Presenter: Joyce Goldstein
Presenters: John Csukor, Diane Kochilas, Stephania Cambanis
Sponsored by Almond Board of California
Seminar V (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Viking Range Corporation Tasting Theater (first floor)
Albariño Wines of Rias Biaxas: Pairing with Asian Bites
Session Leader: Karen MacNeil
Guest Chefs/Discussants: Robert Lam, Scott Whitman
Sponsored by Rias Baixas, Exceptional Albariño from Spain
Seminar VI (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Napa Valley Vintners Association Tasting Theater (second floor)
Apulia: Flavor Strategies, Techniques, the Foods of Southern Italy…and the Wines that Pair with Them
Session Leader: Domenico Maggi
Panelists: Sabina Ficco, Luzian Palmieri
Sponsored by Region of Apulia
8:45 AM Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series
(8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Third Floor Teaching Kitchen, Outdoor Live Fire Kitchens
Kitchen Workshop #1 (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Hot Kitchen
Signature Flavors: Asian and Latin Street Food as Inspiration
Workshop Leader: Norman Van Aken
Presenters: Christine Manfield, Jorge Alvarez
Sponsored by United Soybean Board
Kitchen Workshop #2 (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Hot Kitchen
The Corn Kitchen: The Heart of Mexican Comfort Food
Moderator: Richard Sandoval
Presenters: Iliana de la Vega, Beatriz Ramírez Woolrich
Kitchen Workshop #3 (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Hot Kitchen
Vietnam and Indonesia: A Heritage of Long, Slow, and Complex Flavors
Moderator/Presenter: Mai Pham
Presenters: Ngoc Tinh, Bobby Chinn, William Wongso
Kitchen Workshop #4 (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Cold Kitchen
Mediterranean Bread-based Snacks and Street Foods
Moderator/Presenter: Anissa Helou
Presenters: Mark Furstenberg, Vincenzo D’Ambrosio, Riccardo Olanda,
Aglaia Kremezi, Daniel Olivella
Kitchen Workshop #5 (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Outdoor Live Fire Kitchen (front of Greystone)
Turkey, from Istanbul and the Aegean to Gazientep: Of Street Foods and
Live Fires
Moderator: Burak Epir
Presenters: Musa Dagdeviren, Necdet Kaygin
Kitchen Workshop #6 (8:45 AM—9:45 AM)
Outdoor Live Fire Kitchen (back of Greystone)
Mastering the Indian Tandoor: Techniques for Memorable Flavors
Moderator: Suvir Saran
Presenter: Hemant Mathur
9:45 AM Coffee and Conversation Break
Sponsored by United States Potato Board
10:00 AM General Session XII
Italian Comfort Food: Inspiration from the Sea, and from Apulia in the South
Moderator/Presenter: Paul Bartolotta
Presenters: Corrado De Virgilio, Antonio De Rosa, Riccardo Olanda
With a live feed from the outdoor, wood-fired bread oven with Mark Furstenberg and Vincenzo D’Ambrosio
10:40 AM General Session XIII
Chasing Flavors, Dodging Traffic: On the Streets of Thailand and Malaysia
Moderator: Robert Danhi
Presenters: Chai Siriyarn, Kobkaew Najpinij, Niphatchanok “Ning” Najpinij, Alexander Ong
11:20 AM General Session XIV
Flavors in Migration I: Asian Street Foods without Borders
Moderator: Suvir Saran
Presenters: Christine Manfield, Naomi Duguid
NOON Lunch
World Marketplace
Historic Barrel Room
A memorable immersion into the sights, smells, sounds, and flavors of more than a dozen food cultures around the world, featuring guest chefs, colorful market stalls, music and dance performances, comparative tastings, book signings, and more.
Guest Chef and Presenter Book Signings
1:15 PM General Session XV
Ventura Foods Center for Menu Research & Development
Of Hot Fires and Aromatics: Modern Takes on Ancient Flavors, from Turkey to Morocco
Moderator: Anissa Helou
Presenters: Musa Dagdeviren, Necdet Kaygin, Mourad Lahlou
2:00 PM General Session XVI
Made in America II: World Street Food Goes Upscale, Circa 2010
Presenters: Ruth Reichl, Susan Feniger
2:40PM General Session XVII
Flavors in Migration II: African, Spanish, and Latin Exchanges
Presenters: Jessica Harris, Maricel Presilla
3:20 PM Break
3:30 PM Concurrent Activities
Various campus locations
3:30 PM Seminar Series
(3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Also see Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series starting at 3:30 PM.
Seminar I (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Ecolab Theater
Fresh from Barcelona: Tapas, Cava, and the Flavors of Catalonia
Moderator: Gerry Dawes
Presenters: Albert Asin, Jesús Bernad, Daniel Olivella
Sponsored by Catalonia, the Gateway to the Mediterranean by Prodeca
Seminar II (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Ventura Center for Menu R & D
Athens to the Islands: Modern Greek Comfort Food
Introduction: Cat Cora
Moderators/Presenters: Diane Kochilas, Aglaia Kremezi
Presenters: Christoforos Peskias, Jim Botsacos
Sponsored by Greek Mediterranean Gastronomy, Wonderful Olive Oil
Seminar III (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
DeBaun Theater
Singapore: Secrets of the Hawker Kitchen
Moderator: Violet Oon
Presenter: Mohan Ismail
Seminar IV (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Williams Center
Street Food, Comfort Food Along the World Spice Routes: The Brazilian Kitchen
Introduction: Kevan Vetter
Moderator/Presenter: Almir DaFonseca
Presenters/Panelists: Edinho “Edson” Engel, Ana Celia Batista Santos
Sponsored by McCormick for Chefs
Seminar V (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Viking Range Corporation Tasting Theater (first floor)
The Albariño Wines of Rias Biaxas: Pairing with Asian Bites
Session Leader: Karen MacNeil
Guest Chefs/Discussants: Robert Lam, Scott Whitman
Sponsored by Rias Baixas, Exceptional Albariño from Spain
Seminar VI (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Rudd Center for Professional Wine Studies
Napa Valley Vintners Association Tasting Theater (second floor)
The Great Tapas Wines of Spain and Inspired Flavors that Pair with Them
Session Leader: Doug Frost
Guest Chef/Discussant: Seamus Mullen
Sponsored by Wines from Spain
3:30 PM Kitchen Demonstration Workshop Series
(3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Third Floor Teaching Kitchen
Kitchen Workshop #1 (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Kitchens of Apulia: Slow Flavors of Southern Italy
Workshop Leader: Domenico Maggi
Presenters: Antonio De Rosa, Corrado De Virgilio, Luzian Palmieri, Sabina Ficco
Sponsored by Region of Apulia
Kitchen Workshop #2 (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Peru, from Ceviche to Anticuchos: Taking Street Food into Casual and Fine Dining
Workshop Leader: Arturo Rubio
Presenters: Jorge Luis “Coque” Ossio, Pedro Miguel Schiaffino, Marilu Madueño
Kitchen Workshop #3 (3:30 PM—4:30 PM)
Hot Kitchen
Of Chili Jam and Pad Thai: Building Thai Flavors through Sauce-making
and the Wok
Moderator/Presenter: Chai Siriyarn
Presenters: Kobkaew Najpinij, Niphatchanok “Ning” Najpinij
4:30 PM Break
4:45 PM General Session XVIII: Town Hall
World Flavors…On a Stick, In a Bowl, On the Run…A Game Changer?
Moderator: Greg Drescher
Presenter: Jonathan Gold
Panelists: Rick Bayless, Roy Choi, Gerry Dawes, John T. Edge, Susan Feniger,
Mark Furstenberg, Jonathan Gold, Jessica Harris, Anissa Helou, Diane Kochilas, Maricel Presilla, Jim Poris, Ruth Reichl, K.F. Seetoh, Suvir Saran
6:00 PM Concluding Remarks
Speakers: Rick Bayless, Greg Drescher