When the lavender blooms, beginning in June, you'll have no need for a map. Red Barn Lavender owner Marv Fast tells me, "We've had people who followed the lavender scent from two miles away!"
Red Barn Lavender is nestled among the rolling hills two miles from the heart of Ferndale, Washington. A stunning view of snow-capped Mount Baker and tufts of lavender plants arching over gentle slopes make it a popular stop for photographers and lavender lovers.
Two distinct styles add to some misconceptions about lavender. French lavender has a component called lavendine, which is camphor-based. This aromatic--some say pungent--lavender is widely used in the fragrance industry. It is distinctly different from English lavender, which is used for culinary purposes.
During peak blooming season, bee hives are placed on the farm. The honey extracted reflects a pale golden color and a slight hint of lavender essence. The delicate flavor shines on scones or stirred into yogurt.
In anticipation of blueberry season, I grab a bag of English lavender buds. Blueberries and lavender are wonderful paired together. Warmed over a gentle heat, blueberries infused with lavender buds makes a great topping for ice cream or pound cake.
Want to visit Red Barn Lavender? Mark your calendar. April through the end of July, plants, buds, honey, and essential oils are available for purchase and during the peak blooming season, they offer a variety of craft classes. Check the website for details.
Red Barn Lavender
3106 Thornton Road
Ferndale, WA