Poppy's Got a New Look

Things are looking a little different around here, aren't they?

I've been wanting to make some changes for a while now and last week it finally came together. I'm so excited!

I have to send a shout out to my photographer buddy, Amos Morgan. He was at a photo shoot for an upcoming Best Restaurant issue...and spied that fabulous bunch of juicy tomatoes. The end result is what you see in the banner. Amos is a ridiculously talented photographer who used to travel for Getty Images. He's freelancing now, and doing lots of food stuff...which is how our paths crossed. If you want a peek at what he's up to, check out his spiffy website.

And a second shout out goes to Deborah Richardson. She's the Senior Designer in my office and in no time...she rounded out the rough edges, found those terrific fonts, and added the crucial finishing touches. That woman has more talent than I could ever dream of! I'm thrilled she could carve out some time and lend her talent to my little ole' blog.

Amos...Deborah...I can't thank you enough.

I love my new home!