With my schedule suddenly cleared, I had enough time for a quick trip out of the country. Lucky for me, I have an endless list of places researched and on my radar.
Surfing the internet...toggling between Orbitz and the Lonely Planet World Guide, I entered multiple combinations trying to figure out where to go.
India? I found a great airfare, but it took a minimum of 5 business days for a visa. If I was going to be back by the end of the month and still leave the country, I needed to go sooner than that.
Morocco? Airfare was rediculously expensive.
Indonesia? Not enough time to do it justice.
Panama? The past two years, I've spent vacations in Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. Enough of Central America, for now.
Europe? Not exotic enough for this trip. Besides, the exchange rate is terrible right now. I've also been before (9 countries). Europe is out.
China? This is the place I'd really like to linger. A friend of mine just returned from Chengdu and highly recommended it. Airfare, however, was astronomical.
Thailand? I've been there before, but I was really green then.
I found a respectable airfare, and no visa is required.
It also offers high cultural elements as well as great beaches. (Places with scuba diving get even higher points!)
Plus I was exhausted and I knew Thailand is fairly easy travel.
Thailand it is!